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Jul 18, 2005 21:33

well shit, the past week...all i gotta say is wow.
our story begins sunday morning, when the fam and i packed up and headed to grand haven for the week. it was glorious, i finally got some time to chill outside and get some sun, and relax. the forecast was for thunderstorms most of the week but luckily it didn't happen that way and it was super sunny and hot the whole time. the water was FREEZING tho. wednesday night me, carly, alicia, and graf did some sneaky drinking down in carly's room. ahh good ol popov. so we just kept the door locked and busted out quite a few shots. we walked down to the beach and somehow there were fucking turkey's running around, not quite sure where those guys came from. carly and alicia made a valiant attempt at catching them. the damn things were still running around there when me and graf walked up to carly's the next morning to get his car. so of course we got some drunken swimming in and chilled some more before me and graf walked back to my place. carly's mom definitely wasn't too happy with us, but hey what can you do. i got to see carly in action at porto bello's too. i brought the family and my mom's friend along so she could get a wicked tip. she got to see my parents in their finest form, too, even though there was a little trouble with the wine cork early on, haha. let's just say i was the driver for that night. i must say that porto bello's is a damn good restaurant, even though they gave me a little too much food. i was full for about a week after that one.
well after the nice relaxing week at the beach, it was time for the legendary ludington macker. a mere live journal post really can't do justice to such an extraordinary event, but i'll try my best.
so friday afternoon graf picked me up at the cottage and we were on our way. we arrived at ludington an hour later armed with about 36 beers and a half gallon of five o'clock vodka. we met up with some peeps at their camp site and started bustin out some brews immediately. graf was blacking out by about 8:30. everyone was more spread out at different places this year so it took a while to finally settle at one place for everyone to party, but eventually we ended up at buttersville park. it's right by the beach so all we had to do was walk down and get past the park lines and we could have bonfires on the beach. i made myself a drink in a mountain dew bottle that was roughly half five o'clock, so needless to say it didn't taste very good but oh boy did it get the job done. i proceeded to drink around six or seven busch lights after that, so as you can imagine i was pretty sloshed. there were a ton of people there, had to be around fifty at one point. i don't have the clearest memory of the night, but i know that i passed out on the beach for a while, which left sand in every fucking crevasse of my body which was not very comfortable the next day, and that i puked twice. eventually brandi (one of corb's friends who lived in wilson last year) and i walked up to the beach parking lot to pass out in graf's car, but we were greeted there by a cop. he was looking at a car there and turns to us and says, "is this your car?" i shook my head, turned around, and stumbled away without any trouble. well it turns out that he wasn't so nice to other people. first of all, the car was a kid's from rockford a year younger than me. he tried to run when he saw the guy, but didn't succeed. the cop tackled him onto the gravel parking lot, giving him some nasty cuts and bruises, and maced the shit out of him. then he had his car towed. not a good night for him. then the cop walks to the other cars parked there looking for people, and who does he find but two of my roomates for next year, corbin and dave. he wakes them up and gives them a breathalyzer. after blowing a staggering .06 and .07, the asshole decides to take them to jail. seriously, there are tons of belligerent kids all over the damn town, but this bitch pig makes the two of them, who weren't even drunk, spend the night in the drunk tank. fucking bullshit.
well after the cop was finally gone, we went and passed out in the car for the night. this is getting really long and i need to do some stuff, so i'm gonna end it here and finish up later, cus it gets even better from here. later.
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