I've reached the end of the road. A dead end. Go figure. Erik is no more a part of MBP. I'm not going to delete the journal though... I'm sure the strange entries have very little value to the average person but they hold a lot of meaning to me, oddly enough. So I guess that would mean that Erik is up for grabs, just not this Erik. Since he technically doesn't even exist anymore, I can do whatever I please with the figment of my imagination and sharing is not one of the things I plan on doing. If you happen to have a soft spot for awesome dorks, start him from scratch. This was a hard desicion but I think ultimetly the right one. I've seen too much crap around here in the last few months and it gets old... it was bad enough to put up with it myself but then to find it was happening to others, people I consider my friends, that was the final straw.
Uhm, there really isn't much else to say. I've made great friends, had a ton of fun and even grew as a person. No really, I did. You honestly wouldn't believe how many life lessons I've been taught from my boy. It's been real. Peace.