Oct 24, 2007 14:18
i never write in here anymore. like. ever. heh.
welllll for those of you who still read....
i'm almost done school. i will be finishing up a cerfificate program in december and will be able to get a job at a hospital. i have decided that school isnt for me right now and if i do eventually want to get a degree, i shoud wait until i have enought motivation and care enought about school to go back and get it. I'm sure it will happen some day. just not right now.
also..i got a new tattoo. well sort of. the star on my back now has an anchor and roses with it too. it looks pretty sweet. i have the picture on myspace is anyone cares to look.
what else. hm. i work at pei wei now. its a new asian diner kind of place near my house. its pretty awesome except for the one boss lady who keeps messing up my schedule and stuff.
im being a sailor for halloween!! im excited.
i have not been doing nearly as much partying. which could be a good thing. but also its kind of bad because that means im not seeing my friends nearly as much because no one ever does anything anymore. except a party here or there.