Jul 17, 2009 22:32
Inevitably, I feel obliged to update my blog though I know I'm probably the only one who has a sincere care in the world in reading this. I don't know, I guess it's fun. Well obviously it is fun or else I wouldn't put up with this nor spend one more second on doing this. I still keep a journal, mind you----with the traditional paper and pen as my tools. I guess blogging is more interesting because it's easier (if you have a fast internet connection at home, that is). You can share bits of information about yourself that you feel like sharing. You can have a variety of people comment about the stuff you've published. You can maintain anonymity, if that's what you wish.
I basically signed up for Livejournal because I wanted to have a blog. That's it. I've been meaning to have a blog before that so I was vacillating on where to sign up for. There was Blogger, Blogspot, Wordpress and the likes. But I thought Livejounal sounded more nice so I picked it. I didn't look forward to people actually reading or commenting or just giving time, however little it may be, on the stuff I will write. I just want to have an online blog. I didn't even bother adding friends here or what-nots, because I just wanted to have a place on the web where I can write stuff. But when some nice people actually started to like my posts, I've got to admit I felt elated.
Blogging is therapeutic as writing your own journal. You get to write different kinds of things. In my case, I write because when I do, I can make sense of the things that, well, doesn't make sense. I can somewhat get a clearer perspective on why I'm feeling this certain emotion or what could be the outcomes of my actions.
Anyway, I'm all for blogging and stuff. I mean, if it's one way to express yourself and let things out that might otherwise make you explode, why not blog, right?