I'm too tired to update, yet sick of procrastinating. So pictures will have to do.
From my love Sarah aka Sullie (osullivan007) : "White Lake Adventure Chapter Three was extremely successful. Lot's more (Pizza Barn,) Biodegradable soap, GONG SHOW, experimental mohawks, group showering parties, spooning, and well, too much fun than you could possibly imagine over the weekend."
White Lake photos courtesy of MORGAN!
Haley's Project Mohawk. More like Project Stegosaurus.
Polka-dotted Mere & I
Helmet Girl!
The beautiful Sullie and Lee.
My lovely Morgan and I. I like to call her Bessy.
Can you guess who these babies belong to?!?
End of the White Lake pictures.
Monday I babysat. And went to the beach with
Sarah T!
It was really cold.
Wheatables on the beach=yum!
The lovely Juan and Leopold. I wonder where Juan went to...
So Monday was fun.
Tuesday I spent the day with
Douglass! We went to the beach. It was warm. And I got a sunburn. Yay for color?
Mmmm. Happy.
VIH was also Tuesday night. With M&M&Haley.
After VIH we slept over. It was fun. Mere & I scrapbooked. We were up until 3AM. It was fun. Girls are fun. Heh.
Jasmine the kitten is adorable!
Today was hanging out at the Brockingtwin's until 3:30ish. Then running in the rain to Julie's car, then running into my house with all of my belongings. AH. I got soaked. So then my mom brought me to Doug's. We ate fajitas and watched Garden State. Mhmm. That boy... And now I am really tired and ready for bed. Goodnight!