Dec 14, 2010 23:03
Oh My Lord. I just saw my dad after my course, he's at home and cancel going out so I go to netcafe to download MSOAN, got carried away for 2 1/2 our until my causin (my brother) suddently comes to me saying dad is in hospital, he's fall from a roof that he's trying to put the material down because they must moved the store due government say so. unfortunatelly my dad's leg slip and fell from that height and land on his back, his back hit the ground full of broken floor hard and that's makes him hard to breath and his arms all bloody so they took him right to hospital afraid that he might injured badly or have broken ribs, mom tags along. they give rontgent and stich his arms, it's cuts very deep that they must stich it inside out (double) but lucky no bad injured but he can't moved freely because he gots deep bruise on his waist and back, several mini cut were found but they allowed my dad to come home and they shocking part when we must pay the bill it cost almost 700.000 my dad in that hospital barely an hour but they charge him so many, even must pay for doctor action like observe the wound..WTF? only stich some and must pay that much???
my dad keep saying why must I go there, I was hesitant at first, why this is happening when we don't have any penny at our hands, even mom borrowed my causins money.several days a go my dad keep saying why I haven't got JOb?? I hate jobless, I'm the elder but they can't count on me, I just keep making them work hard..this whole year not oncegood things happen , no job...GOD!!! I cry for my dad have to hurt but more hurt because I can't handle the bill..I hope miracle happen please???
dad in hospital