Saint Thistle

Jun 12, 2010 23:17

A month or so ago I signed up to be part of a gift exchange and got Thistle Suicide as my secret giftee, so I went and made this little portrait-y thing based off a photo from her latest photoset.

Doing these multimedia projects has been so much fun. Straight-up illustration is really not my strong point, but when I combine all these other physical elements into my pieces, well, they kind of take on a life of their own.

My birthday is coming right up! In 13 more days I will be a whole 27 years old. That is crazy to me.

The last several years I haven't done anything to celebrate aside from just doing something nice with Matt. For about a week and a half I thought this year would be a good time to have a little party.

...And then I realized that meant I'd have to invite all these people I don't wanna, because they have unavoidable connections to the people whose company I do enjoy. It would be an act of great snubbery to exclude them and I would look like a huge dick. Also, I don't want to make people have to pay (at a restaurant or bar or whatever) just to come show their support that I managed to not die another year. But where can you have a birthday for free? I thought about having kickball at the park, but then you have to reserve a spot through the state or something? And what if it rained? I got really stressed out.

Then I decided to fuck it and remembered that this was the reason why I haven't done anything public in a years, including why Matt and I didn't hold a reception after our three person wedding ceremony. These events are supposedly about celebrating one entity (a person or couple or whatever), but really they are about that person/couple appeasing everyone else and navigating the social politics dance.

Too stressful.

It's my birthday and no one is invited u_u

birthday, art

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