Valentine's Day

Feb 12, 2010 23:58

Matt and I have a lot of trouble syncing up with official holidays.

When we wanna get each other a present, we basically have to give it to each other NOW because waiting sucks so hard. And when we don't have a gift for each other but we're "supposed" to, well, we usually just kinda skip it. Like at Christmas, neither one of us were particularly inspired by anything we saw so we just agreed to go giftless this year. I mean, if one of us found something completely perfect, then yeah, go ahead. But neither of us did. No hard feelings, we're just not into forcing presents out of each other 'just cuz'

So now the V-day is rolling around and, coincidentally, we both found gifts we were super excited by.

And, of course, we couldn't actually wait for the official day.

Sunflowers are my most favorite flower. Ever.

Last week Matt went back to the florist who put together my wedding (sunflower) bouquet and tried to buy another one, but they weren't quiiiite in season yet or something. Or maybe they just didn't have any? In any case, Matt reserved their very first arrival and picked them up as soon as they gave him a ring on Tuesday.

Except, of course, I didn't know any of this.

All I knew was that Matt made me close my eyes and when I opened them again I had these:

As for my gift to him, well! Matt has positively lusted after Miss Monster's monster masks for ages and ages, but could never justify buying one.

A couple weeks ago I saw that she had recently re-stocked them and knew that it was exactly what I had to get for him. I casually emailed him asking if he preferred silver or gold (answer: silver) so he knew that I planning something and has been bugging me about it for weeks, trying to trick me into admitting what I had gotten for him.

Today he called me up saying that a package arrived for me while I was at work with the words "SILVER" written on the side. All those weeks of waiting (it was only, like, two. These things are handcrafted, afterall!) and he still had to wait another 7 hours for me to come home before he could open it.

Eventually I made my way home. Oh! Side note: Along the way, I found a helium-filled balloon just standing alone on the sidewalk. I jumped off my bike right there at the stoplight, tied it to the back of my rack and biked home with a wildly flailing balloon swinging all around me.

So I got home and made Matt close his eyes while I wrote "I <3 MATT" on the balloon and tied it onto the package he'd waited all day to open.

And this is what he got:

His mask is hanging over his table and my flowers on the coffee table.

It's the best Not-Valentine's Day I could have not-hoped for.

happy, story

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