Jan 21, 2006 18:07
I hate being last on everyones list! I hate everything! And I dont even know what to say about anything..I want to go move somewhere and just start all new with everything. Noone understands and everyone pisses me off here! I just wish everything could be diffrent around here. This sucks so much. I have one true friend and it seems she doesnt even want to tlak to me. I dont even know where all my friends went? Its like my life just smins in circles and never stops..there is never anything I am happy with.
I wish my Dad was here so bad...I miss him so much! I know if he was here none of this would have happend or if he did I would not let it get to me as much. I seriousally hate staying home everynight being so sad and everything. Its like I am doing everything wrong in my life. I just dont know anymore!