Apr 25, 2004 23:16
sometimes homework is just pointless...ok, maybe that's most of the time, but that's not the point! my english teacher gives us deadlines, but dosen't really care when we turn stuff in..therefore being the procrastinator that i am, i have waited until now 1 week before finals at 11:10 at night to write my essay for her class...note to self: don't ever do this again...ya right!
anyways this weekend was fun and un-productive...went to my 3 dimensional design teacher's unvailling of a statue of Dr. Martin luther King, Jr. and it rained. and it was boring, and my teacher really really wanted us to come (renee and alicia and i went) and he ignores us when we go to talk to him, ya really nice littleton! and dr. king's son spoke and frankly i don't know that i heard much of his speach...opps...i didn't mean to fall asleep... and we also went to the Natural Kind Cafe, an natural food reasturant, don't ever go there! well my sandwich was good, but renee and alicia's were yucky.
oh! i bought 2 movies from blockbuster..."The Hours" and "White Oleander" ... 2 very good movies...if you have not seen them, you should!
now time for that essay....