May 12, 2006 01:41
i had my last final of the year this afternoon. it was irritatingly anticlimactic, since it was open book and wasn't even comprehensive and in the easiest class i had this semester. not to mention i have been hearing for weeks now about how my senior friends were graduating and how everything was the "last time i'll ever do such-and-such in college." for little old juniors, this makes everything feel like its just dragging on. reminds me of my junior year of high school, when i met all these people just a little while before, only to have them graduate and leave me with the old (but good, of course) friends. maybe i'm doomed/destined to live this way.
anyway, for those of you might care but who don't know already, im leaving for japan tomorrow afternoon to be there for around ten days, meeting up with the 'rents there and such. its such a short trip that its hardly worth it, but it should be fun. im also very weirded out that, if i want, i can order a little mini bottle of crappy wine with my yucky airline food. i feel old.
then i come back and immediately start my internship. after a whole bunch of drama (well, actually it was mostly just me freaking out and then writing polite little emails to my supervisor so it was kind of an internal drama...) i have been reassigned to a closer location so i don't have to commute an hour each way five days a week. thank whatever-powers-that-be. more on that when it actually starts but its sort of consuming my thoughts right now. apparently i have to dress "business casual" which is think is sort of against my religion, but whatever. corporate bastards.
ok, i really should get to bed as i am leaving for the airport in less than 8 hours. yikes.