Recent rundown

Aug 20, 2006 12:29

Yesterday morning I won tickets to the Final Fantasy show tonight @the Bottleneck. Andy and Megan B. are going too, so it should be fun. I've only heard them recently, but I've liked everything I've heard.

Last night I got really dressed up and went to Amanda's formal dress party. Everyone thought I looked great. I had fun; dancing, drinking, great snacks, good conversation, and I even got a little peck on the mouth! And I WANT HER HOUSE. Then I walked home in heels: OUCH! I decided that anybody who wears heels every day is CRAZY, and Ty concurred. Then, for some unknown reason, I stayed up until after 4am watching The Pelican Brief by myself (though I did pass out for a good part of it). Dennis came in @quarter 'til. Oi.

Night before that I finished almost a whole bottle of Sambuca by myself playing Circle of Death with 4 crazy boys. Sambuca is great; I like it, nearly no one else does, so at least this way I know I'll get to drink the alcohol I purchase (unlike the night before that, where 4 beers were stolen from my room).

I've made some art recently, more cathartic than anything and not very high quality, but if I get a chance to I'll upload it so anybody interested can see. At least I know for sure that I like the combo of colored pencil & watercolor. Tomorrow night is figure drawing w/ Bird & Howard (etc), so I should probably pick up a few more supplies today. I like charcoal for figures. Thank goodness my car seems to be working lately!

I start the new job tomorrow. Hope I'm ready for this.
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