I didnt know she was pregnant

May 13, 2006 10:45

KELLYS NOT PREGNANT....our fish is....Well incase anyone does know i surprised Kelly with a Betta fish as a present last week. She liked it but wanted a bigger/better tank. So she went out and got a 5 gallon tank and we got more to go in it. We went to petco got the airpump thing and a Plecotostomus or something like that. Its a kickass catfish looking algae eater. Then we went to petswarehouse and bought 2 Amazon sword plants to go in the take and also I bought a fish from PetsWarehouse called a Sunburst Platy (very colorful tropical fish) ... and i had no idea it was pregnant. But its in a tank with a Betta and a catfish type thing. Its been afew days and then all the sudden BAMM theres like 7 or 8 little fish swimming around that look just like the new Sunburst Platy i just bought. i was like WTF BETTA!!!??? why'd you knockup my fish??? then quickly realized that Betta is a fucking pimp an all but he aint no daddy. And Pleco the Ozzman Raphael (the catfish thing) just chillax's all day eating algae and shit so i knew he wasnt no babys daddy. I got sold a pregnant fish and the little fish babies are SO fuggin cute. The mother went crazy and was trying to eat them and the Betta was actually protecting the babies chasing away the mother everytime she tried to eat one. Idk why or how but the Betta is being all dad like and its awesome.
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