Fic: Haven 4/4

Nov 20, 2011 12:37

TITLE: Haven, part 4
SERIES: Shifter ‘verse
DISCLAIMER: None of the characters belongs to me, sadly. They are owned by people with a lot more money :)
SUMMARY: Charles pays a visit to their closest neighboring town, Haven. A place where mutant powers are suppressed by a kind of natural shielding. Curious as to how something like this can exist, Charles starts digging into the past.

AUTHOR’s note: I’m using the tv show Haven for a crossover, but not the current season. For those who know Haven they’ll notice right away where in the past I am. For the ones who have no idea about Haven: this is about thirty to thirty-five years before the pilot episode.

You don't really have to know the show to read the fic and hopefully enjoy it!

All musings and speculations about what Haven really is comes completely from my wired braincell.

Charles returned to Haven three months later. The neutralizing effect wasn’t as pronounced as the last time and when he asked Wuornos about Lucy, he received a shrug. She had left.
He noticed the picture of a young boy on Wuornos’ desk, about five years old, but he didn’t ask. He had never inquired about any family, nor had he ever met Wuornos’ wife.

“More questions, professor?” the Chief asked.

“No. I’m still working my way through what you sent me.”

The other man chuckled. “Where’s your friend?”

“In Westchester.” Charles didn’t want to elaborate. Instead he looked the Chief in the eyes, wishing once again he could use his abilities. “I know I have yet to scratch the surface, but I noticed that sometimes, in Haven, your Troubles come back.”

Wuornos’ face closed up. “You don’t say.”

Charles knew he had struck something. “Periodically even. About every thirty to thirty-five years.”

“Haven’t noticed anything, professor. Maybe you read those copies wrong.”

Charles smiled pleasantly. “Yes, maybe.” He hadn’t. And the Chief was hiding something.

He also knew when not to press on and just accept it, at least on the surface. So he said his good-byes again and walked through the growing town, nodding at those he had met before. He had a coffee at the small café that had recently been completely renovated and now attracted its fair share of customers. Watching the people coming and going, Charles didn’t engage in any conversations, just observed. And he watched himself, his powers, feeling no ill effects this time. He was without his telepathy, but it didn’t bother him. Everything was muted, like under a lot of layers he couldn’t push aside. Not like the last time when it had felt like he had lost a huge part of himself.

Lucy Ripley.

She made him wonder. A lot made him wonder. Taking the long way through Second Street and down Cove to the harbor, Charles enjoyed the warmth of the day. The ancient pick-up was parked up on Long Bay Road and he drove off to Westchester not much later.

The shielding effect lessened until it was completely gone as he passed that invisible line.

Charles parked the truck and got out, not surprised to see he was already awaited by Raven. His sister looked momentarily worried, then relief washed over her features.

“You’re okay,” she stated.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“One word: Haven.”

“Haven isn’t evil, Raven.”

“It just drains your powers, makes you normal.” She scowled. “It’s unnatural.”

“I’m not going to argue with you about this. Is everything okay?”

“You were only gone for a few hours. Yes, we’re all fine. Even Erik.” She smirked. “He didn’t bite anyone’s head off.”

Charles chuckled. He knew that. The anchor line was going strong and he knew his lover was okay.

Raven accompanied him into the manor and he greeted the students and other residents as they passed him.

It was good to be home; his home.

Erik echoed the thought.

::You still think Lucy Ripley has something to do with this?:: the Shark asked.

::I’m not sure. She isn’t the source of the shield, but she is part of the town. She’s a Cursed. Somehow I think the Curse only works in Haven::

Erik’s presence radiated sudden surprise. He was at the beach, watching Liam work with his Curse. The young man could influence water and the Erik was ‘supervising’, as he called it. Raven simply said he was a baby-sitter, deal with it, and he and Charles were running a day-care for Cursed.

Charles headed in that direction, smiling a little to himself. ::Those ‘Troubles’ hit Haven from time to time, despite the fact that it’s supposed to be a safe refuge for the Cursed. Something changes periodically and from what I gathered out of those texts I read, and seeing a few old images that were rather grainy, she is always there::

::Omega?:: Erik wanted to know.

::Maybe. Whatever or whoever she is, she is connected to Haven. I have a lot to sift through and I’m quite positive the Chief didn’t hand over everything. He knows who she is, maybe even what her role is::

Walking down the beach access, Charles joined his lover in watching Liam train. He had gotten quite good and it looked effortless how he handled the water pillar, spires and spirals.

“Ancient tales sometimes have a guardian for a specific place,” Charles said softly. “The Mi'kmaq have them, too. Today we know that back in those days it was a normal human being with a Curse. To them it was a spirit, a being of supernatural powers.”

“You think she’s that old?”

The telepath shrugged. “Might be. Maybe it’s something else. Curses aren’t ever passed down throughout generations, but similar afflictions exist. Or Lucy breaks those laws and she is the current heir of something that only the location of Haven brings out. Or she is an Omega Cursed and has lived here for hundreds of years.”

“Coming only when the Troubles start acting up?” Erik frowned. “Sounds unbelievable.”

Another shrug. Charles looked relaxed, watching Liam, appearing happy at his student’s success.

“She’s gone now,” he said. “And Haven has many more questions and mysteries. I’m not sure I really want all the answers.”

Erik bumped their shoulders together. “I’d rather you wouldn’t dig too deeply. Westchester is enough, don’t you think?”

It got him a smile. “Yes, it is.”

They were still in their own founding days. Charles wanted to know about Haven, but he had his hands full with Westchester and all the Cursed at the mansion.

“Exactly,” Erik said.

Okay, so he had broadcast that. He was slipping.

Erik leaned against him, smiling, quite aware that he had caught the telepath. Charles tilted his head until he rested one temple against Erik’s, smiling himself.

“Let them deal with their own problems,” the Shark said after a while where the sound of the ocean had been the only noise.

“I will.”


Charles slid an arm around the lean waist, feeling content and warm and comfortable just sitting there. Erik echoed the feeling.


It wasn’t until almost six months later that Charles finally finished his research into the files Wuornos had given him. He had found massive gaps in the papers. Deliberate gaps, he mused. As if he hadn’t been given all copies he had requested; as if some things had been edited out.

But Charles Xavier was resourceful. Logan had been in Haven before. From talking to some of the other Cursed in Westchester he discovered two more visitors who had felt unwell in the town. One had a contact in Haven, a fellow Cursed who had arrived with him but stayed. She worked in the library and had sent them information on the periods of time missing from Charles’ files.

It was how he discovered that the early settlers had met a woman called Naguset who had helped them establish control over the Curses. Throughout time there had been several noted incidents of a woman coming to Haven whenever things threatened to get out of control, when the neutralizing effect waned for a while. The woman had had many names, but whenever one described her in their journals, she seemed to be the same; with no recollection of being to Haven before.

Charles was still puzzled as to why those shifts in the neutralizing shield happened and how, but the female visitors always got things back into order.

He finally locked everything away, much to Erik’s relief.

“You are obsessed with this,” the Shark remarked.

“No. Interested.”

It got him a huff. “Your ‘interest’ turned into a hunt for something that isn’t your responsibility, or part of this household, or the town. The woman and Haven aren’t your problem, Charles!”

Charles looked into the cold gray eyes, felt the anger within the other man at whatever it was that Haven nurtured and protected, what it did to mutants. He finally nodded slowly and approached the Shark. Slipping a hand along his waist, Charles pulled the taller man closer, kissing him gently.

::I know we have enough on our plates out here. I just couldn’t resist the puzzle::

::I can:: came the low, dark growl. ::Let them be. They never came to us for help, we won’t throw ourselves at them either::

Erik wrapped his arms possessively around the other Shifter. Charles smiled and kissed him again, this time with more intent. Erik didn’t resist. He was actually quite actively taking part and his hands were already tugging Charles’ white shirt out of his pants. Naked skin was caressed and the telepath hummed in appreciation.

Images appeared in Erik’s mind and the next thing he knew, Charles had pushed him against the wall, into one of the drapes, and his mouth was thoroughly ravaged by the other man. Erik curled his fingers into the waistband of his lover’s pants, drawing him closer, his tongue battling against Charles' for dominance while in the same breath submitting to the man's need. It was a primitive need, something from very deep inside him, something that targeted Charles Xavier as its victim, its prey, while also recognizing it as a fellow hunter and dominant. It was confusing and simple in one.

They separated, breathing hard, eyes wild and dilated. A flush covered Charles’ fair skin and his hair looked unruly. He had never looked more desirable and a longing rose with the desire, a longing so primal it shut out everything else. The Shark was ready to strike, to claim, to show everyone that this man belonged to him.

Their bodies were pressed together and Erik’s hands were splayed over Charles’ ass. Something seemed to fizz through him, sizzle along his nerves, settling way down south. Erik drew his lover into a searing kiss that grew more demanding with every second. He was acutely aware of the telepath’s body against his, so perfect, so familiar, but still very new and exciting. His desire rose several notches and a small part in him told Erik to get a room before he completely lost it, thoughts colliding with each other, tumbling around in his head.

They made it to their room, but Erik had no clear recollection how. He was just thankful that they hadn't run into any of the others.

The door had barely closed after them when the two men were at each other again, kissing and nipping, fumbling with zippers and buttons. Erik groaned in frustration and then finally managed to wrestle off the last clothes. That was the moment he was once again pushed against the wall by the whirlwind that was his lover. His adorable little rat. His. Only his. Erik took an immense pride out of the fact that he was the only one who had the privilege of seeing his partner like that. Unrestrained, sexy, desirable, adventurous... just Charles.

Soft but knowing fingers suddenly closed around him and Erik swallowed a groan. His sounds were swallowed by the mouth he loved so much. Charles gave his arousal one more tug, then removed his hand, much to Erik's disappointment. But the other Shifter didn't give him much time to think. He proceeded to kiss his chest, paying thorough attention to his nipples, and by the time he had arrived down south, Erik was ready to scream.

"Charles..." he groaned. "Please..."

A tongue licked teasingly over him and his breath caught in his throat.

And Charles continued to play with him. Erik had his eyes closed, his arms and hands pressed against the wall for balance and to hold himself upright, but then Charles added finger play and it was almost too much.

Metal sang to him, bowed to his command, and he wanted nothing more than to use it to do his bidding. He had already locked the room tightly, but the image of Charles helpless on the bed, the desk, the floor, metal surrounding his wrists, flowing over his body…

::My turn:: the telepath purred, aware of his thoughts.

Yes, his turn. The Shark was bowing to his lover, handing over control. It was a situation Erik would never have believed he would find himself in; ever! But with Charles his life had changed. He had changed. He had given control to Charles before… actually, Charles was always in control. One thought he could stop whatever Erik was doing…

His knees started to buckle at the double stimulation and strong hands grabbed his hips. His lover kissed a flaming trail from his groin to his mouth and Erik was treated to another breathtaking kiss.

"Charles, please..." he begged when they separated again.

"Please what?"

"I want you."

Charles’ blue eyes were bright and filled with something Erik knew was in his own expression as well. This was his mate, his Charles. His alone and no one could ever take this, him, from Erik.

They ended up on the bed, Charles on top, something that thrilled the predator in Erik more than he could put into words.

The infuriating mouth nibbled along one side his chest, then gently teethed a nipple. Charles could be such a tease, and Erik loved every second of it. It was what no one else would ever know, see, hear about. This was only for them, for him. Exclusively.

Erik gave up his last hold on sanity when Charles slowly slid into him. He turned himself completely over to the lust burning inside him, flooding his veins. Liquid fire raced up his spine, eradicating his logical mind.

When he finally reached his peak, he grabbed his lover, raking his fingers over the muscular back. Charles gave a hoarse groan as he came, completely still for a moment, then, with a shudder, he fell forward. Erik wrapped his arms tightly around the smaller man. Panting could be heard in the quarters, their hearts hammering, their sweat slicked bodies entangled with one another.

It took Erik a while to really return to the reality around him. "Damn, that was intense," he murmured.

Charles massaged his side in gentle strokes. "It was."

Erik sighed softly, contentedly, and closed his eyes. He felt a soft kiss against his temple, then he was hugged closer. It was how they fell asleep.

fin for this one!

author: macx_larabee, genre: alternate universe, type: fic, rating: nc-17

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