Is This How A Toy Feels When Its' Batteries Run Dry

Nov 17, 2011 23:50

Title: Is This the Way a Toy Feels When Its' Batteries Run Dry
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Rating: PG 13
Pairing: Charles/Erik, Azazel/Raven
Summary: Charles is diagnosed with t-cell prolymphotic leukemia and has one year to live.
Warning: cancer (and everything that entails), bruises, coughing up blood, blood, bile, (major) character death, and vomiting.
Author's Notes: Written for the prompt  here for the lovely kathrynparis. Title taken from the song Guernica by Brand New.

It starts with a cell. Maybe a handful.

author: ascoolsuchasi, genre: canon!au, type: fic, rating: pg-13

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