Fucking in the Key of G Major

Nov 01, 2011 17:36

Title: Fucking in the Key of G Major
Fandom: X-men: First Class
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Summary: It's New York 1934 and Miss Dragneto is the new pretty canary at the dingy bar The Spotlight and Charles the pianist is her flame. And he might have an in with the Chicago mafia but he's not telling and maybe he and Miss Dragneto galavant through New York together and have a great bout of fun and narrowly avoid leaving the city in Chicago overcoats roughly every two days. Too bad this isn't that story.
Warnings: Language, period centric slang, drag/cross dressing, public sex, barebacking
Author's Note: Noir fic is noir! Someone should write their actual story (*points up at summary* You know you want to.), not just porn. Anyhow, written for the prompt here. The song Erik sings is Ich bin die fesche Lola sung by Marlene Dietrich.

“Oh,” Charles looks down to his grey button up and trousers and bites at his lip, “if I had known that this was a dress practice I would up dressed up.”

genre: alternate universe, author: ascoolsuchasi, type: fic, rating: nc-17

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