[fic] Forget The Present Tense 1/? (Charles/Erik, Inter-dimensional Romance, Mature)

Nov 11, 2014 19:41

Title: Forget The Present Tense 1/?
by Meredith Bronwen Mallory (garnettrees)
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: X-Men, all associated characters and imagery are all property of Marvel Comics. I make no money by writing this, and intend no disrespect.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, both in canon timeline and outside of it. Ill-advised self-medication, mentions of drug and alcohol use. Recovery from dependency on said, PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome), night-terrors, brief suicidal ideation, and dark humor.
Additional Warnings (enticements?): Inter-dimensional romance, comics-level quantum physics, pseudo-science, doubles, time travel, Erik never learned to share. Even with himself. X_x
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr has enough on his plate without delving into the supernatural or metaphysical. Two years after the injury that forced him out of the Army, he's still struggling with psychological and physical aspects of recovery. The strange dreams that comforted him in the hospital, however, have begun to take an alarming turn. He can not longer resist the draw towards a little town called Westchester, and the tantalizing possibility that Charles might be real.

Whatever it may cost him.

[ Forget The Present Tense 1/? @ AO3 ]


genre: alternate universe, rating: r, genre: first time, genre: post movie, genre: canon!au, type: fic

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