Dec 19, 2008 19:51
to be honest i didn't even think about writing today and because I really haven't done that much lately there isn't a reason for me to write. but then i decided that seeing as i want people to realize that i haven't disappeared i am writing.
- ive been finalizing my christmas shopping and getting things organized for when i skip the country.
in any case i haven't really thought about leaving- it hasn't hit me that i will be sitting on the beach for a whole week soaking in the rays and reading my life away.
it'll be so nice.
i had a dinner party two nights ago- friends from school. we celebrated the end of term and releasing the stress that was built up from the last two weeks from school. I drank, they drank, we all drank except anny. but we dont hold it against her.
we gossiped like little girls and watched sex and the city.
i went out yesterday with my old friend stephanie. we went around town looking for some tights and some other christmas gifts. we talked and it was refreshing knowing that some people are going through the same things i am. In any case yesterday was a nice day. I watched a film that i haven't scene in a while so i was caught up with the remenising part of my week.
then today i went out with phil to do some shopping in his part.
after all that some we got food and a movie.
right now im watching video on trail the holiday crap special.
god i love Debra Didigiavonni or what ever her name is.
she is love an makes me laugh out loud. which kinda makes me look like a crazy person. but you know how that story ends.
famous author or painter, i hope.
have a nice evening.
wear your mukalucks!