wow, manor is chuck full of depressed people, if not depressed then emotional hurt. not all manor students are like this. i also know that are is not wrong with being hurt in this manner, i am clinicly depressed here the list (in no order):
- This person has been hurt by his/her parent(s), started to use this an excuses to life, realize people did buy it so he's running away
- This person also seems to be hurt by his/her parent(s), the difference? want love from any one person she is willing to accept it from
- This person had been hurt by their Parent and their siblings. is abused often by them. now is always hiding from people
- Unlike the other trend, this person cause is unknown. Just take want love from anyone, and does what it take to get it
- Now a combo offer. Parents to busy to care about this person b/c of money/jobs, spoiler her with material-love, now seeks emotional love from anyone
these were some of the worst cases, but it bothers me that they did nothing about it. that they just feel that their home lives were their only lives they had. They seem to want to forget about it whenever they had the able (i know, not it all of these case can work). I'm just erratated that i have been boiling these thought in my mind since December. I know some will figure out who there are if they chose to read this entry. (most of them don't) I'll deal with them when the come. I just now feel a tad better bet getting that off my mind and out to the public... or make just the same cause of these damn alergry! I don't care that my spelling is crap and my grammar is footloose! Just know that I'm work on it! ugh... i can't think anymore i feel like i should goto bed. i will have revenge on the one that casted this curse of alergries... *coughGODcough*
btw, evens are better then odds