Apr 15, 2006 18:17
It's come to my opinion that I am in fact the only reisdent of Hughes 3rd North. Teh WOW. [insert the yahoo dancing smiley here]
I figured this out like, last night--er--this morning?? yeeeah. Regardless of my totally shit sleeping schedule I am quite certian that I AM in fact the only resident. Except of course that one gal, you know the one I'm talking about, Lu--the blonde one that sounds like Joan Rivers becasue she smokes like fricking chimney--yeah? Sae her about five minutes ago, I was coming back from brushing my teeth *waits for the gasps to subside* And she was walking down with a hangerfull of clothes. I was all like "There's soemone else here!" in cheery voice And she said, "No, actually i'm moving to my apartment this weekend" and said some crap about all the stuff she had to move.
Other than that, I'm all alooooone in the wooooooooorld! *coughs, shifty-eyes* Sorry, Lu, I had to.
Yeah so I'm going to go to Subway and buy the cheapest/most edible thing they have. Will be v. pissed off if they're not open. Should be. Not Easter just yet... Oh by the way, how do y'all like my horrible anti-drug icon? No Swiss Rolls, i know, it got to be a bit small when i tried that but this is fairly demented amusing.