Sep 19, 2004 23:02
this mornin was a little hecktic w/ me n laur.. but we got shit settled.. julian's dad picked us up and we went to his house..(tysm4tr)=o) i met jordan =o) .::smiles::. not mentioning details, because i really dont know who's reading this..they all made me feel really stupid... i guess im just a little [slow] or [kunfuzed]?? who knows. we went to the park.. i learned how to eat basketi or w/e, and spent the rest of the time in the basement =o). lots of funnie moments[julian likes how i turn off the lights??] but there are to many funnie moments to talk about. =o( at 7:30 me n laurzie had to go home..i dont think her parents like me.. and idk why.. but hopefully over time things will heal. anyway aaron got my lap top internet/ everything else to work (ty so much!), so now ill be able to acess all this shiz better. =o) anywho.. schools tomorow// a frosh game.. GOOD LUCK HILLS!! i gota get some some sleep!!
♥ ricki