Aug 26, 2004 21:31
well today i went shoping with mommie to get my duffel bag for cheerleading.. i packed and all that good crap. i made 1 poster and still have one to go. anyway today after dinner my dad admited to hitting me. my mom just stands there. hez like u deserved more than u got. uch it made me upset, but i stood strong. hez hit my brothers be4 too. its so sad.. like wtf is wrong w/ him. well ill get to the point of this entry. im going to cheer camp tomorow at 8:30am, and ill be there untill monday afternoon.. so dont expect anything the next few days, and when i get back expect alot ;). i miss keith soooooo much :(. anyway id better get working on that last poster.. dont miss me too much ;) ill have my cell if u despratly need me (9732209584)
♥ Erica