,2933,275974,00.html Things like this happen. You may not agree with the war. You may think we should leave now. You may think that we should be there longer. You may think we should pull out and drop a few nukes.
Whatever your standpoint, whatever values you hold for yourself and your family I think it's a tragedy that people can violate the graves of people who died doing others wouldn't. War isn't pretty, it isn't nice and there's no way a country can enter that state and come out the other side unscathed. There will be casualties, there will be strife, there will be hard times and awful things said and done both at home and on the battlefield.
But you know what? At least the men lying dead in the ground had the balls to step up and realize that if they didn't defend us against terror and hate and invasion on our rights and way of life that no one else would. They knew that if they wanted to see men stay home and take care of their families that they would have to be the ones to fight and die for it. No one else would.
So if you hate anyone, hate the government for not making more informed decisions. Don't hate the soldiers who do what they know how to do - defend the population of the United States.
*stepping off soapbox now*