Jun 26, 2009 17:56
Has fallen off the edge of the world.
Just feel so tired. Who knew staring at computer screens could be so draining? Currently translating Chapter 3, but highly doubt I'd be able to finish it by this week. Sort of overestimated my abilities I guess. Have a lot of real work that I'm ignoring. :P That and the fact that I'm beginning to find !manga Soreto really really annoying. Odd because !anime Soreto is one of my favourite characters, which says a lot about the manga's direction. Can't help thinking that the Fantastic Children manga universe was what could have been if the Befort Children had been allowed to reach adulthood. They'd probably grown significantly jaded and would acquire appropriate characteristics to adapt to their grieve. But !anime Soreto was the most emphatic and understanding of the Children. Seeing her portrayed as someone crude and insensitive really takes the cake. ><
I need a new icon. But haven't worked up the energy to open an image editor.
fantastic children