Jun 03, 2009 02:46

jactinglim and I got the Sims 3 Collector's Edition preorder, and we claimed them earlier today at the Sims 3 Launch!

We got free T-shirts! (We're wearing them in the pic, lol.) And 2GB green sim-plumbob thumbdrives! And, uh, a ... do-it-yourself cardboard plumbob. \:D/

Singaporeans are a much more rabid bunch than we thought. The launch event was to start at 2pm, and we thought arriving at 1pm would give us enough leeway, but nooooo the line was already a few hundred people long when we got there. We ALMOST didn't get T-shirts! (The organizer said Jac and I were the last to claim the cardboard thingie. Hehe.)

And as you can see from the photo, the line's still quite long even though almost a half-hour has passed since we claimed our loot. :P AND THEY DON'T GET T-SHIRTS! BWAHAHAHA!

We really should have stayed to see if we can get those plumbob headbands the organizers wore. (rofl) But Jac had to open a bank account fast so we had to split. Oh yeah, did I mention... I'm working with Jac now! Weeeeeee!


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