The Epic Sparkler Wedding at Kopje Park Sampler

May 19, 2019 11:05

We had a secondary choice for a headliner image, it’s here.

I liked the first more because, as an Okanagan boy, I like the lakes and I like the mountains. Plus it just seemed to paint a clearer picture. This is important - wedding trends come and go, but what will always be important to you is the moments you have with your friends. And boy, did we have a lot of moments today.

We start today’s sampler with socks. Very comfy, personalized socks. Our groom loves his socks, and so his great taste in socks shows. These even came in beautiful, handmade little containers. I was told it took three months to make 120 of these!

And next, ring shots. The airbnb they had picked out was just incredible - trees, bushes, and forest everywhere!

That’s not it, though. Personalized sippy-cups for each of the bridesmaids! This is especially thoughtful, as you can drink through a straw without messing up your lipstick.

Last, an epic dress shot for an epic dress. I’m sure you’ve read about how I love lacy big dresses. This one was absolutely out of this world.

That photo is the Okanagan, without a doubt.

I made my way over to the boys. To my delight, all the details were ready for me.

The guys all helped each other with ties and vests. Before long, everyone was picture perfect. I snapped a few more photos, and headed back to the airbnb’s.

It was a sunglasses moment.

Back at the bride’s, everyone was scrambling. Six bridesmaids made for an effective working team. Plus a few flower girls running about!

We made out way upstairs, a dress was waiting.

Mom approves. I love, love, love parents on wedding days. Especially this one!

And just like that, our bride was ready. We ran out to take a portrait, then off to Kopje Park!

They had Kopje decorated like I’ve never seen before. The highlight being the incredible arch. The detail put into this handmade arch was just mind blowing.

Everything was so beautifully decorated. I’d post more pictures, but this is just a sneak peek. It’s already quite large, at 67 pictures.

So we’ll just go straight to the processional, complete with flowers girls who have bubble guns. Pay special attention to our groom’s face.

Sometimes a lot of things can happen at the same time in just one picture.

The ceremony was beautiful. It was heartfelt, and just simply gorgeous against the Kalamalka Lake. A first kiss, then high fiving up the aisle!

Then, of course, family photos. This family was quite large. Which is great, because I love big group family photos!

After the family photos, we popped a cork and took a short re-energizing break! The best part about popping a cork is seeing how everyone handles it differently in photos.

Then, some fun photos with the bridal parties. Every bridal party is different, which is why I do my best to make sure the photos reflect the spirit of the moment. You have serious bridal parties, art deco bridal parties, artsy bridal parties, then you have party bridal parties. Who know how to party.

Check out those socks. All picked out and personalized by the groom.

The bridesmaids were absolute visions. The pastel colours complimented the lush greens especially well.

A little secret is that I consider Kopje one of the best spots to hold your wedding in the Okanagan. It has an old heritage house, the lake with its stunning views, talls grass, trees, and it’s in the middle of orchards and wineries. I could shoot ten weddings ten days in a row and they’d all look different - that’s the kind of variety and choice Kopje gives you.

This is my favourite time, when the three of us get to hang out and make some beautiful pictures together. Genuine smiles all around.

Our reception venue was Oyama Hall. It’s an interesting place, and I hope to go through the reasons why. One is that it can be whatever you want it to be - in this case, no time or expense was spared in decorating it. Have you ever seen a doughnut wall? Complete with a hilarious pun, as all puns undoubtedly are.

The night was a blur. We played flippy-cup, ran outside to watch the sunset, and danced. I’m hoping a few of these pictures will convey how special the night was. Just everything has so well thought out. I could very well be the only person who thinks this, but the old hall brings its own flavour & character into the mix.

Unfortunately, though, this is where I’ll have to leave you. Keep in mind, this isn’t all the photos. This is a sampler, 67 of the photos taken today. So a really quite large sampler.

If you’d like to register to receive access to the photos once they’re done, please register here. If you’d like to save any of these photos, simply long press on them on your cell phone, or right click on them on your computer. Then select, “Open in new tab” - you’ll be able to save from there.

Thank you for reading this far. I put a lot of time and work into these sneak peeks (It’s 4:02am I write this!) so it’s great that you’ve taken the time to read all this!

Lastly, if you’d like to stay updated, feel free to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr for frequent updates. Talk to you all in a few days!

ceremony sites, wedding inspiration, sneak peek, sampler, kopji, wedding, oyama, venues

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