Well, we are now just days away from my parents arrival in Korea... and surprisingly, I am looking forward to it. I think my mother has finally come to realize that she will not be collecting $900 from me on this trip. I told her that I'd give her $600 and she said, "Ok, that's fine." So that makes things slightly better. Also, apparently her and my dad bought me a whole bunch of shit that I might need, which makes things even better.... What I am really looking forward to is:
A) Having Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off next week.
B) Eating good food on my parents' dime.
C)Staying in their fancy hotel and pretending that I'm rich and am on vacation.
So, I really wish it was Friday night now and not Tuesday night...
In other news, i've been out of my anti-depressants for the past few days, which is really making me crazy. I swear that everytime I quit taking that shit, I get vertigo. Oh well... my folks are coming with more meds, so I'm sure i'll be fine.
Ok, here are some more pics.... Let's start with South FL pics that I forgot to post... This was just before I left for Korea...
Oh, how I miss working in the office.
You guys remember how much fun that night was?
Tony, I swear that this is how they eat Italian ice's in Italy... You just wouldn't know about that shit.
My little "going away" BBQ....
Ken, my mom and dad.
Could these 2 be any more different from one another?
Who is this lady? What is she doing? Why is she at my BBQ?
Tony and Eric kickin it new school.
My brother and dad.
Ok... here are some pics from this past Friday night.....
So this crazy guy kept asking everyone for money... then, he took out a bible and ripped into pieces... Then he walked to a different seat, leaving his pieces of bible all over the floor. At some point, an old man yelled at him and made him pick up every last piece of bible.
Yeah buddy.
The soju "tent."
And then there was my drunken subway ride home, where I took over 100 pictures of absolutely nothing... Who lets me get drunk and take pictures on the subway anyways? here are some of the pics...
Ok, enough of that.... Sorry. Well, I guess that's all I have for now... Just wait until after my parents leave for a mega-update.