long time ppl how u all been
my life last few months have been rocky
got kicked out my apartment and had to stay with my mom...for those of u who know her u know thats is toucher
car died after that...my fault kinda it needed oil i new it then i got stuck in the snow and killed the motor
then after that lost my job...probly could have takin them to court for wrongful termantion
got new car from tax return and sellin both my bug and la baron....
http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=51320914&albumId=3443954now im stayin with my sis and her BF as a live-in babysitter
as far as a real job goes i dont have one well officaly anyway...got a second interview to got to for taco bell thats 2hrs long its probly just paper work cuz manager said i was hired as far as she goes but had to do that second interview at a diff taco bell then call her back to get orintation
well thats basicly it other then still single but thats not news that normal...cuz i suck as far as that goes...of course bein jobless doesnt help