Birth time: 1/17/1988 no idea when 9 something pm
Last place you traveled: from bhills to chicago, which is where i remain
Eye Color: green with a brown ring
Nail Color: nada.
Height: 6' 1"
Zodiac Sign: no idea.
Your heritage: Irish,scottish,Russian, German, Lithuanian, Romanian, and a lot of other stuff.
The shoes you wore today: Sandels. then none.
Your hair: Chestnut.
Your weakness: Women.
Your fears: image
Your perfect pizza: LOTS of cheese and LOTS of pepperoni. yum.
One thing you'd like to achieve: Have a kid read about me in a history book and think, cool I want to do that.
Your most overused phrase on aim: ha
Your most overused phrase, period: ehum
Your thoughts first waking up: dear god not again
Your current worry: FINALS
Your plans tomorrow: FINALS
Your best physical feature: was my hair, until i killed it. eyes?
Your greatest accomplishment: Killing a dictator in a knife fight
Your most regretable action: some wounds from above
Sunrise or sunset: sunrise, lots of good memories of great nights and amazing conversations. Some of them with dallas. Who i love, so I love sunrises.
Gore or horror: gore.
Eastsiiiide or wessssside: Eastside, the lake
Stripes or poki dots: Stripes, they make me look tall
Money or fame: fame
Planes or trains: Am I writing? i am really productive on trains but other than that i hate them. FLY ME ON A JET PLANE BAYBAY
Metal or hardcore: metal.
Boxers or briefs: briefs.
Your life is: wonderful.
Pools or hot tubs: pools.
Cuss: fuckin' gladly.
Do you think you've been in love: yes, currently.
Want to get married: uncertain.
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: is there another way? .
Like to take baths: if i have the time.
Get motion sickness: never
Like talking on the phone: I didn't used to, but i am a convert only with one other person though and her name rhymes with allas
Like thunderstorms: fuck yeah!
Play an instrument: not reall
Workout: i eating pizza as we type
Like reading: yes.
Kind of fruit: kiwi, only because i dont eat it much
Music to fall asleep to: deep lyrics
Time of the day: 4am
Feature in the opposite sex: no idea, but when it pieces together I just want to hold her
Feature in the same sex: weight, i have this big issue with comparing myself to guys with a lot of definition
Car: shelby cobra coupe
Number: 17, it means a lot to me.
Thing to do right before bed: sadly, probably masturbate, or check facebook, they are pretty much the same .
Thing to say when you're mad: I'm a lawyer's son, i bring out laws.
Color: I tell everyone it is blue, it is green .
Age you hope to be married: Right prior to dead.
Numbers & Names of Children: I really want to be a father and be there for my kid, which is hard to do and keep a job that will prevent them from having to worry about money, so maybe just one. So i can be there for them all of their lives. I really want a girl, jaime or something really irish
Where you want to go to college: here or nyJEW.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Lawyer
What country would you most like to visit: S.M.O.M.
What size is your bed?: college tiny.
Is your floor carpeted?: yep.
If so, what color is it?: multi.
Do you have posters on your walls?: Literally every square inch.
Do you keep your room clean, or is there junk all over the floor?: it's super clean right now.
Are you allowed to eat in your room?: i'm doing it now
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: depends on the day
Do you take a shower daily?: sometimes bi-daily
Do you wear perfume/cologne?: axe
Do you wear deodorant?: yup.
Do you go outside often?: no.
Is your lawn green or brown?: i have no lawn now.
Do you have a patio in the back?: ----.
Do you have a one or two (or more) car garage?: ----
How many trees are in your yard?: --------.
Are you male or female?: Male
Are you sure?: *reaches hand in pants* yup but somedays i honestly question it.
Do you have any piercings?: Needles really frighten me
Are you single or married?: neither .
Do you like your name?: my last name.
Do you like lotion? Chapstick?: on other people, they feel greasy to me.
Do you shave your legs?: I have once, bad idea .
How old are you?: 19 going on one hundred and seven.
[ MISC. ]
Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds?: it is neither blah blah wavelength blah blah diffussion .
Did that last question confuse you?: no I'm smart.
Do you eat chocolate often?: yep.
Do you have a job?:three
Is your computer slow?: blazin' babe
Have you ever wondered why there is bark on trees?: no, i know why infact
When you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree?: well bruising implies blood, which trees lack.
Why do cats cover their poop and such?: BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL
What do you hear right now?: Full house theme song
What do you smell right now?: PIZZA.
Are you alone in the room?: Nope.
Are you at home?: of sorts.