Sep 25, 2010 13:33

Thrall, the new prehistoric fantasy by kimberlywade, is out in hardcover.

Kimberly will be signing copies at these locations:
Mystery & Imagination Bookshop, Glendale, CA, October 9th, 2pm
Bookwoman bookstore, Austin, TX, October 23, 7pm

"This is certainly a story to turn the mental gears." - Publishers Weekly

Hoolow knows he is different from his tribemates. He not only loves the dark-eyed girl, he wants to possess her. When jealousy turns to tragedy, Hoolow embarks on a self-imposed exile. He learns valuable lessons about what it means to be human while experiencing visions in a dark cave, but he feels drawn to return to his tribe, where a new generation of young people has discovered “themselves.” How will he cope as one among a group of individuals, where the tribe is no longer “whole”?

Set in the time of human prehistory at the dawn of individual consciousness. Follow Hoolow's journey through self-reflective thought and the conflicts this brings to him.

Thrall is part of the Hadley Rille 5K celebration of five years in publishing.

kimberly todd wade, hadley rille 5k, book signings, thrall

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