The Archaeology Series from Hadley Rille Books

Jun 06, 2010 22:22

A word about the Archaeology Series from Hadley Rille Books

A several-year project, the goal of the Archaeology Series is to show an accurate portrayal of life during ancient times through the use of fiction. These novels are based on research conducted by the authors, who are experts in their fields or archaeology, anthropology, or classics.

All of the books in the series feature female protagonists, a departure from traditional male points of view of those ancient times.

For example,

In The Priestess and the Slave, Jenny Blackford allows us to experience life in ancient Greece from vantage point of two women from very different lifestyles, how they lived day to day, what they hoped for, and how they coped with crises. Set in ancient Greece, 2500 years ago.

Cover art, Rachael Mayo

In Like Mayflies in a Stream, Shauna Roberts retells the ancient Gilgamesh story from Shamhat's point of view, how the conflicts between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, and other threats, affected her and the people of the city. Set in ancient Mesopotamia, 4700 years ago.

Cover art, Debbie Hughes

In Song of the Swallow, K.L. Townsend shows us the struggles of a young concubine of Emperor Duzong during the fall of the Song Dynasty of China, how she copes with the politics of the palace, and pressures of court life, the festivals of the time, and the threats of war. Set in China, 800 years ago. To be released later this year.

Cover art, Li Cheng

In Secrets of the Canyon, Ann Walters shows us the hardships experienced by a mother and her daughter and their families as the once fertile canyon drifts into drought, and how they deal with the inevitable conflicts within their own tribe as well as other tribes. Set in Chaco Canyon (in present day New Mexico), 800 years ago. To be released later this year.

Cover art pending.

In the works, to be announced soon, a novel about the ancient Mayans to be released at a future date.

Cover art pending.

You will feel what it was like to live in those places during those times. You will taste the food, feel the love and hate between people, experience the fear of internal and external threats, struggle along with the people who just want to do their part to improve the human condition. These books will appeal to a wide audience of all ages: General Population, SF/F readers, Academics, and more.

As the Archaeology Series grows, we hope to accomplish a fascinating look at humanity different from traditional ways of addressing these subjects, spanning thousands of years, spanning the globe. No matter what expertise one has of an ancient culture, how many of us know what it was like to LIVE during those times? The authors of this Series give us a rare and exciting glimpse of our history. We've released two novels for this series so far, to critical acclaim, and will release two more later this year with more to follow next year.

The trade paperback versions of these novels are bargains for the quality of the writing of these fascinating tales.

The Archaeology Series books are general fiction, but I will also mention a "companion" novel to the series, the Prehistoric Fantasy, Thrall, by Kimberly Todd Wade. Set tens of thousands of years ago, Kimberly Todd Wade shows us one fascinating possibility of the emergence of human consciousness.

Cover art, Gregg Cestaro

Hadley Rille Books

the priestess and the slave, ann walters, thrall, like mayflies in a stream, secrets of the canyon, song of the swallow, kimberly todd wade, k.l. townsend, archaeology series, jenny blackford, shauna roberts

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