Mar 01, 2010 17:38

Now you can order Destination: Future
(Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Powell's)
Edited by Z.S. Adani alaneer and Eric T. Reynolds.

Publishers Weekly: "...exceptional science fiction anthology..."

Cover art: Edward R. Norden
Cover background photograph: NASA

"No Jubjub Birds Tonight" by Sara Genge
"The Embians" by K.D. Wentworth
"Ambassador" by Thoraiya Dyer
"Edge of the World" by Jonathan Shipley
"Games" by Caren Gussoff
"The Hangborn" by Fredrick Obermeyer
"One Awake in All the World" by Robert T. Jeschonek
"Alienation" by Katherine Sparrow
"Dark Rendezvous" by Simon Petrie
"Monuments of Flesh and Stone" by Mike Resnick
"Hope" by Michael A. Burstein
"Watching" by Sandra McDonald
"Encountering Evie" by Sherry D. Ramsey
"Memento Mori" by Sue Blalock
"The Gingerbread Man" by James Gunn
"The Angel of Mars" by Michael Barretta
"When You Visit the Magoebaskloof Hotel Be Certain Not to Miss the Samango Monkeys" by Elizabeth Bear
"The Light Stones" by Erin E. Stocks
"Rubber Monkeys" by Kenneth Mark Hoover
"Jadeflower" by C.E. Grayson
"Mars Needs Baby Seals" by Lawrence M. Schoen

Hadley Rille Books

science fiction, destination: future, publishers weekly, z. s. adani, anthology

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