Mar 18, 2006 01:44
Parties and Lamentations
I reccommend everyone read this because I would like to be completely honest. And not honest to be mean but because I believe honesty is good for any relationship. And any individual who reads this is subject to my relationship with you.
So this saturday i had a dance at my house. I would think it was fairly large and intenese event to be sure. I hope everyone who showed up enjoyed themselves. I hope so because this is the last of any event i have at my house. No more halloween parties, no christmas parties, no movies nights. No potlucks and no dances at my house ever again.
Why? Because its not worth it. Specifically with my closests friends. Most every one of them has to leave early. I would think that when i let you know 2 weeks in advance you could work out extending your curfew, besides we hardly see each other as it is. Heck i changed the entire date for some of my friends.
Secondly how dare you insult me by leaving to get food. I go out of my way to buy food and snacks and you decide to walk out to go to a restaraunt. Its always been costly for me to do these events but I never minded for my friends. But now it has gotten to a ppint where it seems none of that is appreciated.
Another issue i have. "Im Bored". Im sorry but its certainly not from lack of trying. Ive had games, videogames, movies, Live djs, swimming, card games. I try to make things interesting, i try to step it up a notch and it is the same record again and again. "Im bored". And leaving early for no other reason but boredom. That hurts. As if my efforts to entertain arent enough.
And I understand i might not always be able to sit down with you the whole night and kick it but at least i was able to invite you to my house at all. And even gives you oppurtunities to meet new people.
Though I will admit, maybe i am being selfish. If I am I apologize, but that selfishness, combined with these peeves of mine and the cost, i cannot go on anymore with these events. It is time for someone else to step in. Someone else have the parties or events at their house. Someone else can plan nights together.
Were all moving on in life and i would love to enjoy every moment i can with you guys and hopefully keep spending time together even while in college or away.
Ive given it a try my way. And I am done doing that.
I'll see you all around.