Jun 30, 2003 22:28
This summer I've been given a glimpse at what the future holds (not necessarily my future, mind you), and I've learned couple things about life.
1) You start thinking of all your purchases in terms of how many hours of work it would take to equate the amount of money you spend, i.e. you earn 8 bucks a hour and you buy a 48 dollar watch, so you start equating that 48 dollar watch to 6 hours of work.
2) You finally realize the value of a buck, no not the 10-10-321 one version of the buck. Because you're working your ass off - or in my case, spending half the time at work on the computer chatting with people, like me - you start to understand the value of thrift and why every single cent counts. You try to hedge spending in those small yet significant ways (when you start adding it up) because for some reason you believe you're closer to some abstract and meaningful award by being thrift...
3) You start bitching about work and how its either tedious/boring/hard/etc, you just find reasons to bitch about it no matter how posh it is because work is the center of your universe now.
4) You're always wondering how your life may be so much better if your salary was higher.
5) You realize how attractive spending a few extra years in school really is... School is a pseudo-reality, you don't have to worry about the true realities of life because school has shielded you away from most of it and the thought of being thrust into the real world sucks.
In conclusion this fall, I will go back to school bitching less and trying harder because I've realized that if you really do get a totally shit job, then there's not much you can do besides be unhappy or as Billy says, be an alcoholic...