Aug 16, 2006 21:13
Have you ever wondered why people do the things they do? Wondered why we have free will to do as we please, but don't always use it to think for ourselves? Of course, I'm generalizing us as humans. Think about it; what would be our purpose in life as humans if we didn't have the mental capacity for free will? Just going through the motions, breathing, feeding, breeding, and dying. Like an insect. Something has given us purpose, whether it's how our brains have developed over millions of years, or whether something theological has empowered us with it.
Over a span of time, something else has dictated how we use our free will, thus incorporating consequences and praise into our lives. In essence, consequences dictate our course of action. It can be applied to life in our age, as all choices will have pros and cons, no matter what it is. Sometimes we have to learn these consequences ourselves, and that leads to a huge problem for human-kind; Sometimes we are afraid to learn, because of the unknown consequences. Ignorance is the choice to refuse to try something new.
Ignorance is the problem for humans today, because we don't know what the consequences may be to the scenario we are given. Some people would prefer to stick with what they already know, rather then venturing out and expanding their mental horizons. This may be because they are barred by a traumatic experience due to a consequence of a past choice they made. Learning from our mistakes is only half of the solution. The other half is setting out to make things right. In a way, we are all ignorant. In one way, our only choices are ignorance or death. There is a point on the mental terrain where it stops, right in front of dark, unknown void. This void is our death. We all know death is inevitable, but do we know what we are transcending into? This is where the human mind becomes blind. This is where humans have turned to faith in religion, used as a guide to venture them through the darkness. Personally I have yet to decide what my faith is, because I do not believe in blind faith. That is my choice.
Ignorance is also a device used by parents to keep their children out of trouble. Once again, there are pros and cons to this. Keeping your child ignorant to dangers in the adult world will possibly do a better job in keeping them safe, or out of mischief. But eventually, the child will grow, and gain the ability to question. This is curiosity; the bridge between ignorance and open-mindedness. A will to learn is essentially curiosity. Remember the term "Curiosity killed the cat"? It's a prime example of how adults use ignorance to keep children from making consequential mistakes. Just do as you are told, and you won't die. Is that any way to live? Don't get me wrong, you should obey and respect your parents, but open-mindedness is going to break their hearts one day.
My mom doesn't want me to leave New Hampshire when I go to college. In her defense, it is much cheaper for me to go to college in New Hampshire (as I'm going to have to pay for college myself...). But I want to broaden my horizons, see different things, meet different people... Open my mind to new things. I would love to visit other countries, and study different cultures and ways of life. That's why I've been looking into anthropology and other humanity classes such as psychology and sociology.
Right now I'm a bit mentally drained. Perhaps I'll think of more points to bring up.