
Jun 07, 2008 01:42

its really strange because lately i've been having these dreams where i'll end up going to mexico and it always ends up horribly take for instance i go to TJ with jesse and his friend alise and we are trying to find the club but stumble inside this weird apartment building we walk into this room and it turns out to be someones house he comes in and finds us there and tells us that the entrance to the club has been moved and then goes on to tell us some directions afterwards i suggest we hurry back to the car but he replies with "yeah if its still there" i begin to suspect he knows something and when we come back outside to find my car stripped and almost unusable and the people that did it surround us and it turns out the owner of the apartment is the ring leader he tells us to empty our pockets and that we're gonna have to come with them and then i woke up but then theres another where i get lost and my friends ditch me and i end up walking into a dead end with a whole bunch of people that are shady looking and start following me i find my friends inside this shop at the end of the street they tell me they were hiding because they didnt think it was safe outside and they were right unfortunately for me some of the people had followed me and start chasing us we try to resist but they ultimately win the fight and we are forced to go with them somewhere but again i wake up. ok so people have bad dreams whatever but the scary part is that i have a wedding to go to in TJ coming up soon so my thinking is maybe its not such a good idea to go? but who misses their cousin's wedding because a handful of bad dreams pertaining to the area in which they will be holding that wedding? i feel safer going with my parents, but its just gotten so bad there lately the cops being more corrupt than the thugs and everything being so shady. I dont believe things happen for no reason but i really hope my dreams are just dreams.

How can i have pride when i cant even stand you?
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