Jul 29, 2005 14:37
I am currently in free/open beta for some wierd French 2-d flash-based MMO Tactics game called, of all things, Dofus. www.dofus.com/en/ Come join if yer bored. chara name is Cyprian. Send me a /whisper if I'm not in Shop mode (you logout when you open yer shop/bazaar in this game)...
anyhoo. here's the real news:
I just got Makai Kingdom today...had to wait for my paycheck to get here first (dammit)...For those who haven't heard of it, it's kinda the spiritual successor to Disgaea (with plenty of cameos/playable extra charas in there)....
Basically this: Yer standard evil overlord in the netherworld (that would be you) ends up having to seal himself in a magical book. The other ovelords take pity on him and give him bits of their own kingdoms to conquer so he can regain his power/feel better and....
fuckit you don't care what the plot is and neither do I. Ya wanna know why? D00d! THEY HAVE PRINNIES!
Now, in an totally and utterly uncharacteristic move for me, I'll be gone from here for awhile as I seclude myself to go conquer this game a few times. I suggest you follow suit.