Apr 30, 2005 22:34
Why does it seem like spending a Saturday night alone is a fate worse than death? You'd think a woman in her thirties who owns her own car, house and dog would'nt still feel like a dorky high school nerd who would rather die that admit she does'nt have a date. In fact, about an hour ago I order pizza and I was embarrassed to answer the door when the pizza guy arrived because it's 8 at night and I'm in my jammies watching television and playing solitaire on my laptop.
So, what next? Is this it? Jesus, I hope not.
Okay, I'm being a self-involved whiny brat...there are people in other countries starving as we speak and I'm pissed off because all my friends are too old and tired to stay out past ten.
Yep...still pissed off. Am I the only one who has those moments of wondering if I need a whole new group of friends? I guess this is the "friendship" equivalent of hoping something better will come along. Not that my friends aren't great, but perhaps there's a reason we're all still single?
Living in a college town really sucks, especially when you teach college. You can't exactly go out and live it up in such a small town without being harassed or come on to by a drunken former student. Maybe if I were a guy that would be fun, but since I'm a single 30-something chick it's just down right embarrassing.
Hmmm, men in there twenties still hit on my, I guess I should be excited about that right? Instead I find it rather irritating. I mean what am I gonna do with a 25 year old man? Okay, I guess I could think of a few things but nothing that would last more than 20 minutes. Well, maybe I could stretch it out over a weekend if I had some good vitamins and lots of water. No, I need a guy who understands what a 401k is. Hell lets go a step further, I'd like a man with a 401k.
Another fun new development for me...my 40-something friends inform me that when a woman is single and in her 30's she can expect to be propositioned by a plethora of married men. I have found this to be a very accurate observation. What's the deal here? Am I wearing a new sent called "Ode to Desperation?" I find this new phenomenon immensely distasteful. I can't seem to go to a party anymore without someone's husband offering to help me with "impregnation" if Mr. Right never happens along. I try to smile and laugh it off but let me tell you one of these days I'm going to snap. Various scenarios play out in my head from vomiting on the spot to delivering a swift blow to the groin which will prevent any likely future impregnation.
You know, suddenly being at home with my faithful doggy companion Miss Charlie Girl doesn't seem so bad. At least I know sloppy doggy kisses definitely mean we're both in love.