Season 9 Thoughts + Season 10 Speculation

May 21, 2014 22:36

Well I can't say I didn't see something like that coming. After Jensen or someone said that they didn't think the show would "go there," I knew that either one of the brothers was going to kill the other or Dean was going to be permanently changed from the mark. However I didn't think that they'd kill Dean AND turn him into a demon (though if someone was going to die I figured it'd be Dean, it hasn't been his turn in a while.) This is an interesting twist and sets up season 10 for some potentially cool and tumultuous story lines. Overall I was pretty pleased with the finale. it wrapped up lose ends well, left open questions, had amazing acting from everyone (Jared NAILED it), and had a wicked cliffhanger. I think it was a strong ending. As a season, season 9 had it's flaws but I definitely liked it. Since season 5 I think season 8 and 9 have had the best overall arc stories. Season 6 was a mess, in my opinion, and I wasn't a fan of the Dick Roman/Leviathan story. Season 7 had some real gems though in terms of stand alone episodes. So in comparison I'm happy with how season 9 turned out.

Also, I hope I'm not the only one who laughed at the People's Choice Award line.

Let's start with the bad, things I didn't like about season 9:

- Kevin dying, for obvious reasons.

- The same ole' tired conflict between Sam and Dean. I'm all for conflict when it's necessary but I feel like the writers fix the Winchesters' relationship every season and then tear it back down again, for no good reason. From the very beginning Sam and Dean have had issues, but ever since season 4 the whole secret-keeping-I-don't-trust-you conflict has been done so. many. times. It's almost predictable at this point. I totally get that it's the Winchester way to do that kind of thing, but seriously. Let's start being original.

- Glossing over Sam's issues with being possessed by Gadreel. Sam did basically put the kabob on talking about it or listening to Dean, but I would've liked to have seen more of his struggle with it. He mentioned in the finale waking up in the middle of the night, but we never saw anything like that. He talked to Cas a little about the experience but it was just in passing. Like I said, I know Sam was really keeping this to himself, but as the driving plot point for the first half of the season, it would've been nice to see some fallout.

- Not super impressed by Abaddon either. She seemed like such a huge adversary and then kind of fizzled out. She was almost an unnecessary back burner story to Metatron. I feel like in the past few seasons there has been more than one major enemy, and every season I have the same complaint lol. I just think it's pointless and takes away from the story.

- Not super happy that Gadreel is dead either. I know he killed Kevin but he was so misguided, and he's driven by honor and truth. I think he could've turned into an awesome character and Winchester ally, assuming Sam or Dean didn't kill him just on principal.

-The Bloodlines episode.

Things I liked about season 9:

- More Crowley. Crowley's character development was awesome, from everything he went through becoming mostly human, to becoming a weird Winchester ally. Mark Sheppard is always on point, and Crowley is just a really, really great character, no matter which side he's on.

- Seeing old characters, like Jodi, come back.

- The Mark of Cain arc. So. Good. The mythology was awesome and it really set the stage for a whole new set of problems to deal with in season 10. I think Jensen did such a great job at showing Dean's decent into madness/demonism. It was also interesting to see Sam change as Dean changed. Sam was ready to be business partners, which honestly I think influenced how Dean handled the Mark. I think Dean went all-in because he felt like Sam wasn't there to back him up anymore, so much like Sam in seasons 4 and 5. I kind of hope after Dean pulls through this he'll have an even better understanding of some of the mistakes and choices Sam has made in the past. It's so interesting to me that Dean started off as Michael's vessel, and that Dean was the intended savior of the world, and now he's a demon. It's one hell of a shake up to have Dean as this almost anti-hero when in the past it's been Sam's role. I'm also interested to see how it's going to effect Dean, seeing how demons are the one thing that Dean hates maybe more than anything.

- I LOVED the #THINMAN episode. I think the lore is great and it was an absolutely perfect stand alone episode that managed to be funny, scary, and emotional. For some reason I always love the episodes where the monsters turn out to be humans. It was great to have the Ghostfacers back as well. I know that some people aren't a fan but I think they're hilarious. Not to mention, #THINMAN was the first episode in a long time to legit creep me out. That opening scene? Yikes.

- I think the episodes where Cas was a human were awesome because they were entertaining and set up great character development for Cas, which carried through the whole season. I prefer Cas as an angel, but it was a nice shake up.

Season 10

- We all know that they can cure demons now, is that going to work for Dean? Dean is not your run-of-the-mill demon, the Mark of Cain made him a demon. That has to be intense shit. I'm assuming he's going to be more powerful than other demons, and maybe more humane? Even as a demon on a killing spree, Cain still loved his wife Colette. So I think Dean may have similar characteristics.

- So are Dean and Crowley new BFFs? Out of everyone, Crowley would be the best person to mentor Dean or help him, because he's the king of hell and he's sorta-kinda on Team Winchester. But what would this do to Sam and Dean's relationship, considering Sam's less than fuzzy feelings for Crowley. Once again, I have to make parallels with season 4 because I feel like this is almost dejavu lol.

- What is Cas going to do about his grace? I really doubt Cas is going to go around killing random angels for their grace; it's not his style, plus he just re-earned the trust of the other angels. This leaves two options: retrieve his own grace, or die/become human. They've made Castiel human before, I wouldn't be shocked if that was the outcome of this.

- What's Sam's role going to be in season 10? Honestly, I'd be ok if Sam didn't have a huge arc next season. Both brothers always play their parts in the season and have their own journeys, but I feel like Sam's has been very physical where Dean's has been more emotional. It's kind of a nice shake up to see Dean going through this new struggle where his body and mind are changing. Honestly, I can't wait to see how Sam reacts to it. In season 9 Sam made the statement that he wouldn't do what Dean had done to save him. In the past Sam has gone to extremes to not only save Dean, but to do what he thinks is the right thing. Are we going to see more of season 3 Sam, or is he going to approach this differently? I love seeing Sam in action because he can be so understated but at the same time he can be like, the Terminator. What I don't want to see is Sam doing what Winchesters always do, and do something stupid to make Dean a human. Crowley said Sam was ready to make a deal, but was he? I don't know if Sam would make a move like that, knowing what he knows about hell and deals. But I wouldn't be surprised if he did something just as cray.

- Did Castiel know this could happen? Obviously Castiel knows the story of Cain and Abel, and if Crowley knew it was possible that this would happen to Dean, there's no way Castiel didn't. I think that's why he was so determined to keep Dean alive, even when it meant losing his angel army. Obviously Castiel wouldn't have killed Dean anyways, but I think he knew that if Dean died he'd come back a demon. I don't think it would've mattered in the long run, because Castiel had no way of knowing that Dean was going to take on the mark. Still, I think it would've been worth mentioning. Hopefully this doesn't create another rift because like I said above, I am so over fights and shit over trust and backstabbing. Don't the writers have any other ideas for conflict? Ok rant over.

- What problems will this cause in the hunting community? if word gets out that Dean Winchester is a demon, that could spell big trouble for Sam and Dean. But then maybe I'd get the bar fight scene I've been dying for since the beginning.

- Will they still hunt? How is this going to work? Maybe being a demon from the mark is different, but salt and devil's traps are sort of the bread n' butter of hunting. Even devil's traps keep Crowley in place, and he's the king of hell. This could be really beneficial too tough, because I'm assuming that Dean can now tell who's a demon and who's an angel.

- ...Can Dean teleport?

episode review, supernatural, season 9

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