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Feb 26, 2013 21:02

I'm alive! I've been very absent from social networking (except Facebook.) I've just been insanely busy/pre-occupied with school and my social life. My best friend is going through A LOT so I've been trying to be there for her. My boyfriend just moved so I've been helping him with that (on top of our usual attached-at-the-hip lazy schedule.) I got in a car accident (I'm fine, the car's kinda beat up though.) I was sick, I started birth control, and my emotions are more unpredictable than Michigan's fucking weather. It's really just been so crazy since the beginning of January. But I wanted to check in and ramble about some stuff, so here it goes.

Show: I'm still watching and still loving Supernatural, though I have to admit my investment level has drastically dropped. I don't think I realized it at the time but Supernatural was filling some sort of void that I had. It was there for me to love, to comfort me, to connect to, and to inspire me. And as cheesy as it sounds, that void has been filled by my boyfriend. Not to mention, I feel like Supernatural has lost a lot of its luster over the years. The urban legends are dwindling and being taken over by arcs, and Sam and Dean's bond has been weakened, re-modeled, and taken shape into something that I feel isn't as strong as it was in the beginning. I love Supernatural and I always will, it just isn't one of the top priorities in my life anymore.
On that note, I'm liking season 8 for the most part. I don't know how I feel about this Men of Letters thing. I feel like they're jumping the shark a bit by adding another piece to the Winchester family puzzle but it doesn't bother me so much that I think the show's been ruined. I absolutely adored LARP and the Real Girl and Everybody Hates Hitler. I thought they were both brilliant and everything Supernatural should be. Torn and Frayed was pretty good and pushed the overall arc very well. I'm curious to see how this Castiel/angel thing is going to end (or more like not end, knowing the show's reputation for season finales.) It'll be interesting to see how that whole thing plays out.

Other: I just impulsively bought a juicer cause I plan on doing a half juice, half solid food diet. In reality I haven't gained much weight (like a maximum of four pounds, big whoop) but I feel like I'm getting back into habits that made me gain like 25 pounds and I want to nip that shit before it gets out of control. I'm in a place where I'm just bordering on being un-happy with my body and I don't want to tip into full on unhappy, cause I get kind of crazy when I'm self-conscious. I don't like feeling that way. So I'm going to do my best to get back to healthy habits and hopefully have my weight where it was at the beginning of summer.

...Uh, I guess that's it lol. My house/church is coming along slowly but surely. It's going to look absolutely beautiful when it's done. But due to this it looks like I'll have to skip VanCon again this year. Financially it could be done but the extra money would make renovations less stressful. Not to mention my car that I just messed up again. Ugh.

supernatural, journal, season 8 baby!

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