(no subject)

May 19, 2008 12:12

When was the last time I had an idea?

Questions. They're at the beginning of every great answer, right? Or perhaps the best solutions only arise from a problem we never knew we had?

In any case, life goes on for me. The military is done and over with, and I'm left surprisingly unscarred. The skinny years begin for me now, college and a lot of work intermixed with a bit of fun (hopefully). I am lessened to some degree, however. Where once resided a burning desire to change now lies a solid lump of acquiescence.

I haven't written in months. Literally, except to sign a few receipts and perhaps a check or two. I think behind this dense cloud of mumbling nonsense there has to be a story somewhere. All my turmoil is entirely internal though, and the years of blasting it all out into the realm of public opinion are behind me.

I'm looking to get an apartment in a nice neighborhood in the yuppie part of the Greater Detroit area. Maybe a loft, the prices here are cheap. Going to get a nice reliable automobile with good gas mileage, all that nonsense. I'm making all right money, paying the bills and putting a bit away. Living with my dad isn't as bad as living with the Navy, but it wears on the nerves all the same. Watching people living such obviously faulted lifestyles irritates me to no end.

Grow up without enough information, fuck up your youth, before you know it you've got several children from a partner you can't stand to look at, but the real reason for your disgust is to overshadow your own failures. You've done nothing but spawn a new generation of pointless persons, achieved nothing save the replication of your own ignorant lifestyle. And even now there's a chance for redemption, but you're so set in your ways that change can't break the iceblock you call a brain.

So yeah, I do my best to avoid the new family. My dad is the same old person, unable to handle the adversities of children and desperately needing approval from some mother figure. I swear to god I just want to slap the shit out of everyone in that house. The children are merely products of a broken marriage, but they're at odds with everyone, including themselves. No comraderie in adversity, they'll sell each other out for a moments leisure. And the only response for their obvious social shortcomings they receive from the parents is a whole lot of pointless yelling and shaking of fingers.

I swear, people act as if rearing children is such a draining business. For fuck's sake if all you ever deign to do with them is offer up a few choice words of disapproval in an agitated voice of course you're not going to get much of a positive response.

But whatever, they're not my children and I won't have much to do with them for much longer.

I'm not sure if I can stand this part of the country for much longer, or this country for that matter. But I've got to start somewhere, and there are some nice universities here.

So yeah, not dead. Working full time in the electronics field, starting school in the fall and doing all that adult living shit sometime soon.

Oh, I'm at work right now, ha ha.
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