Nov 05, 2008 08:36
First off, I was going to apologize to anyone who's sick of seeing post-election blog entries but then I remembered I'm deciding not to sugar coat anything, so f*ck you if you're sick of it.
Secondly, I wept several times during Obama's acceptance speech and told Dave I had chills when minutes before-hand I figured McCain was on the phone with Obama conceding the vote. I was not surprised that McCain's group jeered openly any time he mentioned Obama and I was smugly delighted when Obama's crowd cheered McCain for running a tough race. I was especially proud of my home state of Ohio going blue, thank you guys.
HOWEVER, I'll be honest and say that I am overwhelmingly sad today because I am now a second-class citizen in four more states. I realize acceptance is not a switch to be thrown "overnight" but how many more ways can I sit at a table and explain and plead my case and that the opposing viewpoint is incorrect and baseless fear-mongering?
My hope lies in you Barack. It's tiny and it's fragile beyond definition. Please help me to believe once again that America is the land of the free.