"......looking at you, I can read your mind." - APP

Oct 22, 2008 08:44

I'm drinking my first cup of coffee this morning trying to sort through my nightmare that hasn't left me since waking up. Most nightmares lose their scariness almost immediately after waking up, but this one was just twisted. It's really strange for me to have a nightmare at all, really, and for one so terrible is even more bizarre.

But, enough of that.

The good news is, I am drinking my first cup of coffee this morning! I almost took the last of it. There's enough for one more of the disposable cups that we use to be filled, but I don't know if anyone has taken it, or if they have, if they brewed more. Some jerk-offs here take the last of the coffee and don't brew more. Who the hell does that? I just wish I could catch someone at it, because I would call them on it right away.
"Hey. Aren't you going to brew some more coffee? You took the last of it."
"Well, yeah, of course I was, I was just going to walk away first and work some until the end of my shift, and if someone else brewed coffee in the mean time, then that'd be fine, and I'd actually have some of the coffee they brewed."
"Oh yeah?" *stomp kick to the sternum* "Why don't you brew some more now?"
"Thanks. Let me know when it's done."

Hopefully my counseling place gets my message from earlier about me needing more of my Seroquel. The doc wanted me on it twice a day now, but only gave me enough for 30 days at once a day.

Sidenote: I just said good morning to a co-worker, and he looked right at me and said nothing. He sits right next to me. I should say, "Hey, PICK A RACE!", but that'd be rude.

Anyway, I'd really like tog et some more of it because for some reason without it my Geodon doesn't last nearly as long. It's supposed to run about 10 hours, or twice a day, really. But lately it's been wearing off while I sleep so I wake up not feeling so hot. But with the Seroquel, I sleep through the night regardless.

BUT! It's time to make some calls, so peace to my nizzles.

dreams, coffee jerks, at work

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