May 21, 2005 12:16
I think i speak for most of womankind,(well at least three of us anyway)when i say, never in all of my living years will i understand the simple and small thing that it is a man's mind/brain. They are just bizzare. I really think it must be true that men are from mars and women are from venus. (or is it the other way round). I don't know why i feel the need to say that today of all days because nothing significant has happened to make me think it, its just a random little rant on my behalf. I think its cos we had quite the bitchen sess about them up town yesterday, nothing to harsh just stuff all us girlies discuss.
Well I went up town last night for the last time as a 21 year old, and i was stone cold sobre, and only spent £5.60, which i thought was pretty impressive. (the cheapest night i've ever had up town). I wasn't going to go originaly cos i wasn't feeling 100% and im a tad on the broke side, but in the end i decided to just drive up, cos it wasn't like i had any better plans. It was really strange being sobre whilst everyone around me was drunk, but at least i have woken up with a clear head.
I went up town with kel, jules and carly last night, we started off in the goose, where we met up with Jess, and her random mate. Later on some people kel works with joined us so there was quite a big crowd in the end. After we got chucked out of the goose, we went to rothwells, which in all honesty is hell on earth. We ended up in Walkabout, which did play good tunes but, there was no where to hang our coats up.Plus all the men were horrible and sleazy in ther. But all in all it was a good night.
I haven't really got any plans for the weekend, cos i can't really afford plans, but i'll probably watch the FA cup final today, and go shopping tomorow for nishas birthday and leanders wedding, then have my usual sunday trip to the pub.
I've got quite a big week planned next week though, so i'm going to need to build up my energy over the weekend.
Me kel jules and hopefully wend are gona av a quiet drink on tuesday, im gona meet up with naomi on wednesday after work, the i've got 6 days in a row off work :-). On thursday i'm going to get my horn on my car fixed, being as it doesn't work, then meet ad (who will hopefully give me jake from hollyoaks, as a bday present) for a drink in the afternoon. I'm not sure if i'm going out thursday night, there was talk of us going for a few drinks in varsity but i don't know if that will happen. Then friday (the big one) hopefully I shall be venturing to the sea life centre to see the giant turtles. Then friday night, i think a few literally about three of us, are gona go for a curry and a few drinks up town. I'm not going to get to drunk though cos i've got julies sisters wedding the next day, and i don't want to be rough for that. Sunday I think Jules wants to go into town for a Kareoke somewhere. so i'm going to need monday and tuesday to recover from it all by the sounds of it. Now i'm not naieve, and i know with my friends half of this stuff will never happen, but it'll be interesting to see what does.
On the job front works going ok, its been quite interesting and busy this week, i think i might be quite stressed/busy week cos i've got 2 courses to get the materials ready for in three days plus that database to complete.But at least that will make the time go fast.
I don't think i've got much else to say, this is quite an impressive update, its strange how sometimes i can just go on forever.