Look, I like football. A lot. I did not like this year's Super Bowl for approximately 7 reasons:
- It was in Miami. When was the last thing something good came out of Miami?
- It was played in a sloppy fashion.
- The Colts were in it.
- The Colts won it.
- Peyton Manning's head did not get separated from his body and roll down the field still encased in his helmet.
- XLI is not as cool a Roman numeral as XL.
- The commercials, they were... how you say... not good.
Worst of all, no football for another 6 months+.
I'm not even that excited about baseball yet. I may not be this year. Weird.
Tomorrow, I need to clean off my desk at work. Just to prove that I actually have a desk.
And now, on a serious note, I need to clarify something for, well, everyone:
A "suicide bomber" is someone who straps a bomb to him- or herself, walks far away from all other people, and blows him- or herself up. That's a suicide. If you strap up and walk toward people, well, you're just a bomber. And, if you happen to blow up around other people, a murderer. I have a bit of a problem with this distinction, and think it creates a false dichotomy.
All done.