Day 3

Jul 13, 2011 21:35

After the pretty good start on Monday, things have gotten a little tougher for Remi (and thus not easier on me). He's been clingy and fussy, and hasn't eaten normally in the last two days. (Yesterday he didn't drink enough milk but ate his solid food, and today he didn't eat any solid food but drank all his milk.) He still seems to sleep fairly easily, which is the thing I thought would be the biggest challenge. Jena called to have me pick him up at 4 yesterday, and I picked him up at 4 today too. He seems fine at home, if a bit more tired than usual. I wouldn't be surprised if the problem is just overstimulation, but I don't know what to do about that. Jena has been working hard to give him attention and help him adjust, but of course she needs to attend to the other kids and can't spend every minute with him. I've brainstormed some more suggestions for Jena to try tomorrow, which is only a half day anyway because she has to take her own kids to the doctor for their regular checkups. And then it's a long weekend, because of vacation for her, so Remi will get a little break and hopefully we can start again next Tuesday.

I'm sure this is just the normal adjustment period, but it kind of breaks my heart to hear about him being insecure and fussy. He's such a sweetie at home, curious and babbly and cute. After the reasonably good day on Monday I was encouraged, but yesterday and today I cried after I dropped him off. I keep reminding myself that it's good for him to learn to play and be content away from Mommy, but I also keep thinking about how I never truly missed my job (which I do love) for seven months and now when I'm doing my job I miss Remi all the time. I never once in seven months woke up and mentally groaned because I had to go to work (well, ok, I did if it was 5 a.m. or earlier), but I did this week. I keep fantasizing about quitting, but I know I shouldn't, for a lot of reasons. I hope we both get used to this a little more.

pebble, diamonds

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