Apr 16, 2005 20:59
this is probaby gonna be long, and about nothing. warning.
but i cleaned my room the otherday, and rearranged it. i miss how it was before already. but i was actually really suprised i didnt find any bugs at all. everytime i moved somethign big was super scared that some creepy crawley thing would come out to get me. but nope, i was bug-free!
and another thing is that i'm so mad at myself. i went to aruba this year right? right. WELL i didnt bring home any sand! i have sand in a bag from seista key '03, and grand caymon '04, but i have nothing for my collection form '05, and i'm SO mad. ughhh
this entry is probably going to make me look like a major scumbag, since i expected bugs in my room, and for this part. well, so we went on a house cleaning spree kinda deal, and my dad took a beer bottle out of my brothers room from oh..about the sumemr maybe? half full..yeah. there wre like mold spots floating in it. ewwww it was soooo gross.
on the weekends i fell like i'm on summer vacation. i really want it to be summer, but then i dont. because if it is, then i know that i will never go to school wiht certain peopel like kayla andrea krista and kitty, and well..i dont wnat that to happen. so maybe , i jsut want it to be summer, and for summer to never end. yeah.
i went roller blading today for a long time with laura kayla and andrea. i hit a pole. you know, one of those ones with the big cylender cement blocks on teh bottom. and scratched up my alredy scratched up leg : ( i bled real bad. then burger king gave me bandaids! laura fell off her skatboard earlier today too. and cut her ankle. we're champs and wheel sports!
i feel like i had more to say, but thats all i remember. BYE