Fast Ride [two]

Jun 25, 2011 11:23

Title: Fast Ride [chapter 2]
Author: ericaisaunicorn
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex / a tiny bit of Merrikat
Disclaimer: I own nothing, nor do I want to...title belongs to Transmit Now
Summary: Jack had always been different. Always shying away from people, that is until he met Alex. Years later he is battling with a secret that even his best friends has no clue of.

Cussing involved in this chapter.
A/N: This is mainly a filler chapter to lead into the next one :)

My night on the town had just started. Walking into the bar I felt my confidence peak. The space was dimly lit and the band was mediocre, but I didn't care, that wasn't what I was here for.

Taking my seat at the bar I ordered some fruity concoction that I had overheard a girl talking about. It wasn't that bad, but I preferred the tequila shots I drowned quickly after.

I was sitting there contemplating whether I should go or not when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Darling, you're looking beautiful tonight.” The voice whispered seductively in my ear.

I turned to see Zack, for lack of a better word, he was my fuck buddy. He didn't know my real name, or what I looked like as a man, but what he did know was that I really wasn’t a woman. The best thing was, he didn’t care.

He grabbed my face, pulling my lips to him. I smiled to break the kiss before it got too hot. These people didn’t need a show.

"How has your day been?” Thankfully my voice hadn't fully matured and I still sounded remotely girly.

"It could have been better,” he sighed, “I almost couldn't make it tonight.” I knew exactly why, though he hadn’t told me I figured that he had a wife, or a girlfriend. I just never asked, and I'm not sure if I really cared.

We talked for a bit, leaving thirty minutes after he arrived. That was the last thing I remembered.

I woke up to sound of my alarm and a raging headache. I groaned when I realized that in addition to the headache I also forgot to take my contacts out. I hated wearing my glasses to school.

I kicked off my blanket and made my way into the bathroom. I turned on the water and quickly showered to get off whatever happened last night.

As I started to put on my jeans I realized that something must have happened last night because I was all kinds of sore. I chuckled, knowing Zack it was probably good. Slipping on my glasses I made my way down the stairs only to find my mother on her way up.

"Hun, you got in late last night,” she said touching my arm, “I hope your not too tired. I made you some breakfast.” She kissed my on the cheek.

"Thanks Mom.” I mumbled making my way towards the kitchen.

"Oh,” she stopped me, “Alex is down there.”

That made me sweat a little. I had always had a tiny bit of crush on him since we had met. When I got to the kitchen I stopped to admire him.

The way his hair fell into his eyes, and how good he looked in his plain black shirt. But most of the the way his face scrunched up when he was thinking. I decided to stop checking him out and walking into the kitchen.

“Whats with the glasses?” He turned and smiled as if he was trying not to laugh.

“Hey don't laugh at me!” I turned to grab some food, “I just forgot to take my contacts out last night.”

“I wasn't laughing at you,” He smiled, “I was just wondering since you never wear them, they look good.” I swear my heart skipped a beat when he said that.

“Anyways,” he took a bite of is bacon “My mom is nagging me to bring you over for dinner.”

I couldn't help but stare at him with my jaw slack.

“And that brings you to my house this early?” Sometimes I just couldn’t understand Alex, at all.

“No, but,” He paused, a smirk gracing his face, “Since exams are over I thought that maybe, just maybe we could ditch.” I knew that he was up to something. “Oh and your mom is fine with it I already asked her”

Of course he would. Not only did my mom adore Alex, she had a hard time saying no to him. Especially since he was my only friend. There was just one problem.

“What about Lisa?” I hated that bitch with passion. Alex didn't know exactly why, but it was more than the fact that she didn't like me. She was kind of a slut. A big slut.

“She can get over it,” No, she'll whine and moan, “Just like you did with the ice-cream.”

I shot a mock glare at him. “They didn't have the toppings right.” I jutted my bottom lip out trying to make him feel sorry for me.

“Jacky, you threw a fit because they wouldn't let you put every topping on it.” He laughed and I couldn’t help but join it. It was pretty stupid, but I blame the hormones on that one.

“Hey at the time it sounded good.” I watched Alex glance up at the clock and then turn back to me. He had a devilish grin on his face that made my heart flutter.

He shoved a piece of paper in my hand and ran out the door before I could react. I looked at the page before me.

Meet me on...

I didn't have to read the rest to know exactly what street Alex wanted to meet me on.

A/N: I think we all know which street he is talking about....Thanks for the feedback on the last chapter it was really nice!! :).

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