(no subject)

May 06, 2009 00:41

Uuunngh this week is gonna be the ultimate struggle zone. So many projects, so little time. More of redos, though. If anybody feels like posing for my photography class before Saturday, gimme a shout! Warning: you may be subjected to running back and forth or jumping high or something.

In other news, I have Lupus. House would disagree, but my doctor says so. I'll take it over RA, though. Now THAT would suck. Only treatment for it is self-done shots all the time. In the stomach. EEWWWWW. But Lupus=pills, yay! I have some experience there.

Zappy, wanna jump some? Plz halps me.

HOORAY for Linden coming back to me!! YES! I love you.

Also, yays and congrats to Matt and Emily! <3

I need to stop watching Psych reruns and finish my flash project. Ehhhhhhhh.

I made taffy and toffee and they were tasty. :) Took 3 tries to get the taffy right though. Next I want to try cherry cordials, but I have to get good at popovers so I can impress the SO's rents. They're coming down from RI for graduation, which will be interesting.

Class is killing me... but not as fast as all the candy I'm making is! :) Someone please take it away so I can stop eating it. I heart making candy. And summer vacation. And Alton Brown. And... the sun. Where is it? Did someone hide it? Give it back!
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