I can totally finish my major in Japan. Just sayin'...

Apr 10, 2008 21:24

 I went to the first of two mini-workshops required for me to go to, the Academic Nuts and Bolts Workshop. To be quite honest, I almost felt like I didn't need to go. I've been told how to go over all of this several times, and the check list of things to do was given to me weeks ago at the All-Day Orientation (which warrants its own post, which I will work on later).

So yeah, I fell asleep through a couple minutes of it. And it wasn't just one of those bow-your-head-and-nod-off types of sleep. It was head back on the chair back, mouth wide open, I'm sure. I just hope that I wasn't snoring, and if I was, not too loudly. I was a bit embarrassed that I'd fallen asleep (then I realized I was me and I never get embarrassed). I tried to stay awake, honest I did! I've been so very, very tried with the end of semester craziness on top of prom season at work, but that's a whole different can of worms. But yeah, I felt bad, since it was Tom giving the lecture, who's an awesome guy. If any of you UNCG'ers are thinking of studying abroad, you'll work with Tom Martinek a lot. I would put money on that he's one of the most helpful faculty members here at UNCG, hands down. (I should get him a little thank you card or something before I leave.)

The workshop mainly was about transfer credits (mainly about how it takes roughly a semester to transfer, or in my case, over the summer) and making sure that the exchange students understand where they need to go in order to get the appropriate signatures. I know who I need to get to sign what, so that's not a problem. I just have to decide if I want to sign up as a returning student or if I'm just going to go for finishing my degree over there in Japan. I'm thinking I'll go ahead and sign up again just to have my name in records, in case there's some bullshit like I only need one more class to graduate.

Other than that, things look good to go thus far. I just need to write down all the classes I hope to take and get Dr. Campo and Dr. Lixl (that's not a name, that's a bad scrabble hand!) to sign off on them.

Next on the agenda is the more important workshop, the Financial workshop, which'll be next week. Oh boy!
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